Saturday, January 5, 2013

Potato & Cauliflower Soup...Oh my!

Once the cold weather comes around my body craves soup ALL the time! I love this creamy vegan version of Potato & Cauliflower Soup.

  • 1 tbsp Vegan margarine
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 1 potato diced
  • 1 head cauliflower, chopped
  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 bay leaves
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • top with a garnish of your choice: green onions, parsley, etc.
Saute the onions and garlic until softened. Add the potato and cauliflower and cook for a few minutes continually stirring. Add the vegetable broth and bay leaves and bring to simmer and cook about 30 minutes.

Remove the bay leaves. Transfer to VitaMix and puree.

Season and garnish. Re-heat of necessary. I can't wait to make it again! Enjoy!

 Photo: Dinner is served!

This is based on a recipe I found by Jolinda Hackett.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ocotea Oil and it's Many Uses

I have to pass this amazing information along. Thank you to Amy Lapp.
Amazing Ocotea Oil
Ocotea for Weight Release!

"1 drop of Ocotea oil in the AM and 1 drop in the PM orally helped curb my appetite.  My waist is back and my body is back to a hour glass shape.  I'm down to a size 4 without working at it."  ~Margie H.
TIP: Add 1 drop to your NingXia Red shot for a refreshing taste and added health benefit.

Ocotea for Toenail Fungus
I have been fighting toenail fungus for years and have used lots of products, including over-the counter preparations. I heard about Ocotea and thought I'd try one more.
Within a week I saw a noticeable difference. After a few months I now have almost 100% healthy nails. I discovered that all you need to do is tip the bottle on your finger and you get enough to apply, and I did it twice a day. By dripping from the bottle on the toe you get more than you need and it is wasteful. Ocotea also seems to help Candida when taken orally. Thanks Ocotea.
Kalyn Knollmiller
Ocotea Helps Regulate
Blood Sugar

"I have a friend whose husband struggles with high blood sugar.  He tries to make healthy eating choices and runs after work, but his blood sugar hovers around the 160 mark. 

I read about Ocotea and thought it might be beneficial for my friend's husband.  I shared testimonials with her and she wanted him to try Ocotea and see if it helped.

He has been using it for about a week, three times a day, three drops under his tongue. One morning recently, he took his blood sugar reading before he did his Ocotea.  His blood sugar was about 160.  He took his three drops of Ocotea under his tongue and waited about 45 minutes to test again.  In 45 minutes, his blood sugar had dropped to 120.  He was excited and so was his wife.  So am I.  He does not take nor does he want to take meds for his blood sugar.  Ocotea just may be the ticket.

He is going to keep monitoring his progress with Ocotea.  I'll update as I have news. "

~Letitia Pierce

Benefits of Ocotea

*Regulates blood glucose levels. 3-4 drops, 3 times daily under the tongue.
*Weight release/reduce cravings (see testimonial)
*Anti-inflammatory (reduces swelling)
*Reduces Cortisol Level (stress increases cortisol)
*Highly anti-bacterial
*Anti-fungal, effective against candida & athlete's foot, E. coli, Staph and Strep

 "1 drop was put in 8oz of water and given to Ecuador school children for candida and parasites.Each only drank 1oz of the water. 1/8 of a drop per child was effective in ridding them of candida and parasites!"
For more information on essential oils to order oils contact Lennea Aurilia 843-655-0555 or

Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.