Wounds Healed With Oils in 5 Days
two huskies live outside and are tethered. I have learned early in my
breeding career that huskies feel more secure tethered. Sometimes they
have problems with their chains. This was the case with Snowball. He
acquired two wounds on the inner aspect of his upper right foreleg. I
treated him with Helichrysum and Rose Ointment. I am
happy to say that after 5 days of treatment the wounds totally healed
up. I did not have to use the antibiotic the vet recommended. Thank you
for these wonderful products which are not only very healing to humans,
but also to our dear pets as well!" ~ Marsha Rizzo
Flea Repellent

have six animals and chose not to poison them with harsh flea products.
For the last year, I have been spraying them with a mixture of Idaho Tansy and distilled water.
After comparing oils from other companies, I can see that Young
Living's products are the purest and most potent available. My pets and I
continue to benefit from the use of Young Living Oils." ~Liz B.
Horse Wounds Healing Using Animal Scents
am currently treating a leg wound on my 21-year-old gelding. The wound
was already two months old when he came home from boarding. Two weeks of
applying Animals Scents Ointment has reduced the
swelling in his leg by 80% and the size of the wound has shrunk by half.
The proud flesh is almost gone. It does not even appear like it will
leave a scar." ~Jan E.
Bird Stays Free of Parasites with Purification
I have a parrot, Madison, in a cage. To keep the cage free of parasites that get on bird skin, I put three to four drops of Purification
on the bottom of the cage, which is covered in newspaper. The cage
smells clean and Madison gets the benefits of Young Living Oils.
Madison's doctor thought I had Madison's cage covered in chemicals to
get rid of these type of parasites, since Madison has been parasite free
for 6 years. Birds have very sensitive respiratory symptoms and fumes
from common household solvents and cleaners can cause a bird's death."
~Aida Hercules-Dodaro
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