Monday, November 7, 2011

The Benefits of Frankincense Oil

Author: Julie Randall

My husband had a bad cold that lasted for 2 weeks.  I have been using the oils for 2 years, but he has been reluctant to try them.  At the end of his cold, as usual, it turned into a sinus infection.  He can tell without even going to the doctor.

Well, after he saw the results of my taking a capsule of thieves (10 drops) and frankincense (3 drops) which took my cold away in 1 day, he said he'd try it for his sinus infection.  He was surprised & amazed that after 2 doses (1 after supper & 1 before bed), the next morning he felt better - sinus pain gone!  Sinus infection gone!  He took 1 dose before bed for a couple days after, and it never came back.  So, now he's a believer!

Feel Better, Live Better

Author: Darlene Cox

I deliver mail in the hot Florida sun, and from that I get small skin cancers, on the right side of my face. I used frankincense on it every morning and night for a week, and it was gone. Yes it comes back every now and then, but that is to be expected, doing what I do to make a living. As long as there are oils to treat just about anything and everything, I will continue to deliver that mail!  Thanks to all, I do like reading other testimonials.

Author: Joan Luellen

It's been many years in the making but I can now share my testimonial on Frankincense and breast masses.  This past month I finally got my first 'normal' mammogram in many years.  I've had fibrocystic breasts since the age of 26.  But in my 40's when I started getting mammograms my left breast was always 'unstable' requiring more and more views.  Meaning more and more radiation.  I once questioned the doctor about how I thought all this radiation was doing more harm than good.  He said the benefits far outweighed the risks. 

I was introduced to essential oils and decided to take matters into my own hands.  I stopped going in every six months for mammograms and used frankincense neet on my breasts daily.  I also drink Berry Young Juice daily.  I waited about three years and went back for a mammogram.  They said they now needed to do an ultrasound.  I'd never had one of those before so I was worried.  I went through the whole self doubt routine asking myself what I was thinking turning my back on modern medicine and thinking I can fix myself.  So I went for the ultra sound and then they wanted me to get another one.  Finally I got ahold of the doctor and questioned her what they were looking for and she said that when I went in for the mammogram after three years of not having any, the three masses they were following in my breast weren't there and they were looking deeper to see if they went deeper into my breast.  But they didn't.  They completely disappeared. 

So, just to be sure I waited till this year, went in for my annual mammogram, and just got the notice back saying my mammogram was normal.  I use the oils every day for various things and they always work for me.  

       Beauty Tip    

Add 1-2 Drops of Frankincense to your face cream for added anti-aging benefits, decreasing signs of wrinkles
& eliminating age spots.

This & other great tips are found on:
Wellness Essentials Audio Series, No. 11

"The Everyday Oils Collection"

 Receive FREE Frankincense in November with 225PV order
  • Limit one free 15 ml bottle of frankincense essential oil per order.
  • Offer valid on orders of 225 PV or more. Limit of five qualifying orders per person
  • Offer valid 12:00 a.m. MST November 1, 2011, to 11:59 p.m. MST November 30, 2011.
  • PV minimum must be reached in a single order. Partial orders placed throughout the qualifying month cannot be combined in order to receive the promotional product(s).
  • Offer available to Young Living Independent Distributors, preferred customers, and retail customers.
  • Valid on phone, Essential Rewards, and web orders only.
  • Offer does not apply to Essential Rewards point redemption orders.
  • PV not earned for free product.
  • Customer responsible for shipping costs associated with free product.
Offer valid in the US and all NFR markets, except where restrictions prevent promotional product(s) from entering your country. 

cut tube of dentarome close up                   Every Little Bit
When you can no longer squeeze the toothpaste from the tube, cut the top off of the tube. You will find enough Dentarome to last for at least
another week of use! Replace top over bottom of tube to keep toothpaste fresh (see photo).

This tip is from Kathy Kouwe, YL Diamond

                                   Hiccup Remedypeppermint

To stop hiccups, apply a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the base of the neck).

Information provided here is for EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY and is in NO WAY intended to replace proper medical advice.  IT IS NOT for diagnostic or prescriptive use or to be construed as instruction on how to cure or treat any condition, illness or disease. Every individual is different, thus what may work for one may not work for another person. Consult with the professional health authorities of your choice. Remember, taking responsibility for your health is your own personal decision: do your research and choose wisely.  We commend you!

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